Preparing Yourself for an Outpatient Joint Replacement

Dr. Mudrick

What to do after I have scheduled my surgery?

  • Please go to to fill out your past medical history. This must be completed at minimum a week before your surgery.
  • If you need assistance, please call our Pre Admissions Nurse at 804-287-7885.
  • Dr. Mudrick requires you to see your primary care AT LEAST 30 days before your surgery. At this appointment, you will have your blood work and EKG done. This information is located in the packet given to you by his office.

Hibiclens Instructions:

*Preoperative Bathing Instructions & Other Details Regarding

  • Before surgery it is important that you take an active role in your surgical care. For your safety and to assist in the prevention of a surgical site infection, we ask that you follow these instructions to prepare your skin to be as germ free as possible.
  • You will need to shower with a special soap called Hibiclens (generic is Chlorhexidine gluconate) the morning of your surgery. The soap is available at any pharmacy and is usually found on the first aid aisle. If you have trouble locating the soap, please ask the pharmacist for help.  If you are allergic to any ingredients in the soap, please follow the directions below and use any antibacterial soap, like Dial.

Hibiclens Patient Instructions for Skin Cleaning:

  • A. Read the “Drug Facts” Information and directions on the bottle.
  • B. Hibiclens is NOT to be used on the head, face, or genital area. Keep it out of eyes, ears and mouth.

The morning of your surgery when you bathe or shower:

  1. Wash your hair as you normally would.  Then thoroughly rinse your hair and body to remove any shampoo residue.
  2. Wash your face and genital area with regular soap and water.  Then thoroughly rinse your face and body.
  3. Use the Hibiclens soap just as you would any other liquid soap.  Apply gently to your skin, making sure to avoid your face and genital area, and wash with a soft wash cloth, sponge or hands.  Pay special attention to the area of your surgery.
  4. Turn the water off and allow the Hibiclens soap to sit on your skin for 5 minutes.
  5. Turn the water back on and thoroughly rinse your body.
  6. Pat yourself dry with a freshly laundered towel.  Do NOT apply any lotions, powders or perfumes.
  7. Put on freshly laundered pajamas/clothes and make sure to sleep on freshly laundered bed sheets.

The day before your joint replacement surgery, please take the following medications unless you are allergic to Acetaminophen (Tylenol).

  • Acetaminophen (Tylenol Extra Strength) 1000mg at 12 noon on the day before your surgery.
  • Acetaminophen (Tylenol Extra Strength) 1000 mg at 9 pm on the day before your surgery.
  • Helpful Tip: To ensure that you are well hydrated, please be sure to drink plenty of water the day before your surgery. This will help to reduce the occurrence of nausea after surgery and it will make it easier to locate veins when starting your IV.


  • Advil, Aleve, Ibuprofen, Motrin need to be stopped 4 days prior to surgery. Tylenol may be taken for pain management.
  • If you are on a blood thinner such as Xarelto, Eliquis, Plavix, Coumadin, Aspirin, please contact your prescribing physician and follow the guidelines that they give you for stopping these medications.
  • Any over the counter vitamins need to be stopped 5 days prior to your surgery. Examples include but are not limited to: Vitamin D, Men/Women Multivitamin, Fish Oil, etc.

Proior to Surgery Day:

  • The surgery center will call you the day before surgery between 12:30pm- 2:30pm to let you know your arrival time.
  • You will be arriving between 5:45am to 8:00am the morning of surgery.
  • NO food or fluids after Midnight.
  • Bring your insurance card, photo ID, and a form of payment.
  • Leave all valuables at home including jewelry.
  • Wear loose fit clothing for the day of surgery. Ex: Sweatpants
  • Please wear your glasses the morning of surgery instead of your contacts.
  • Do not wear makeup, body lotion, perfumes, powders, deodorant.
  • Do not shave your legs for 5 days before your surgery.
  • Do not smoke the morning of surgery.

Things to know:

  • Your prescriptions will be sent to your pharmacy the day before your surgery. If you are a Monday joint replacement, your prescriptions will be sent to your pharmacy the Friday before your surgery. Please do not take these medications until after your surgery.

*Dr. Mudrick sends in a prescription for Oxycodone, Tramadol, Meloxicam, Pepcid,   Prednisone, and Aspirin.*

  • Amanda from Tuckahoe Orthopedics will set up your physical therapy and they will visit you at your home the day after surgery.
  • The center will give you a walker to take home with you.
  • The center will give you a Polar Care Ice Cube to take home with you.

After surgery care:

  • 24 hours after surgery you can shower.
  • Remove the ace bandage and cast padding ONLY if you are a knee replacement. You will have a water proof dressing on the incision. Your specific water proof dressing instructions will be discussed with you and your family in recovery.
  • No submerging the extremity in baths, oceans, pools, or hot tubs for 6-8 weeks after the surgery.
  • No flying for 4 weeks after surgery to prevent blood clots.
  • No driving until your follow up visit with Dr. Mudrick. You will make this appointment the day after your surgery is preformed. He likes to see you 3 weeks after your procedure.
  • Dental protocol was included in your packet of information received at Tuckahoe Orthopedics. No dental visits for the first three months after your procedure. For the next 2 years you will need a one dose antibiotic before going to the dentist. That includes emergencies or regular dental cleanings. Let your dentist know before your next visit that you have recently had a joint replacement.

Specialties & Services

We focus on offering a high quality, service-oriented environment for your surgical procedure. Our mission is to care for every patient and their family as if they were our own. Each patient, each family, each and every time.


Outpatient Joint Replacement

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Otolaryngology (ENT)

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General Surgery

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Pain Management

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